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Systems : Using First Principles Thinking to Advance Your Career or Businesses: Ideas for Smart Professionals (CBL Systems) (English Edition)

Systems: Using First Principles Thinking to Advance Your Career or Businesses

This book aims to introduce professionals and entrepreneurs who want to be innovative and stand out from the crowd to First Principles Thinking. It offers them a set of guidelines or a systemthat they can apply to examine and tackle work and business problems or challenges.

At Coaching for Better Learning (CBL), we believe a good system is the key to stress-free improvement, growth and success. We also coach our clients on leveraging First Principles Thinking to create innovative solutions and rise above the competition in the marketplace.

We designed and developed this book for folks who do not want to waste their time using so-called “best practices,” conventional thinking and popular beliefs to make decisions.
CBL produced this book for people who have a strong desire to think and do better in the marketplace. The book is for those who need a step-by-step system to think for themselves so they can take the wheel, shape their career and choose their life work, instead of following popular trends.

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