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Oferta de

Modus Vivendi

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R$ 331,00

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Mais informações da Oferta

Modus Vivendi

In late 1992 I obtained a post office box and registered "Dramatic Situations" as a publisher. Then in the spring of 1993 I self-published my first book, "Keep Left" which quickly sold out and is currently available as a second printing. So now its 2018 and this is my 25th self-published book in 25 years no less. The concept be- hind this book was my lovely partner in crime's. The book which you are holding in your very hands is a compilation of sorts of 14 pieces of stream of consciousness. 13 pieces from my from my older books plus one new piece. They are all in chronological order and have the dates of when and where they were written at the end of each piece.

Mais sobre este produto

Modus Vivendi

R$ 331,00

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