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Tales of Espionage of World War II: Volume 2 (SpyNet 360) (English Edition)

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R$ 9,00

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Tales of Espionage of World War II: Volume 2 (SpyNet 360) (English Edition)

Direct from the Spynet archives, Tales Of Espionage Of World War II: Volume 2 contains 15 true to life tales of intriguing operations, daring spies, and covert missions of espionage from the Great War. These quick-reading, easily digestible entries form a perfect view into the intelligence gathering efforts undertaken by the spy organizations of the Allied and Axis powers in a conflict that shaped the history of the entire globe.

Mais sobre este produto

Tales of Espionage of World War II: Volume 2 (SpyNet 360) (English Edition)

R$ 9,00

* Confira sempre o valor atualizado antes de efetuar a compra.