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The Adventures of Baby Bella Ista Sapa (English Edition)

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The Adventures of Baby Bella Ista Sapa (English Edition)

The Adventures of Baby Bella Ista Sapa

The world is revealed through the eyes of an adorable Saint Bernard!!! The educational sequence begins at a Native American reservation located in Flandreau, South Dakota, in the United States of America. Geography and history are taught. Bella's name means "Beautiful Black Eye" in Italian and the Sioux language. Ista (ee-shdah) Sapa (sah-pah) is the pronunciation of Lakota jargon. Acadia National Park is highlighted and is located in the United States of America.

Bella's first adventure illustrates Baby Bella's journey across the United States to Bella's precious home in Acadia National Park, Maine, located on the prestigious and secluded "Mitchel Cove." This is where famous Americans exchanged secret codes, while writing about the Cuban crisis. Lopaus Point is full of American history! Ms. Byrne, the author, is a global environmentalist and global citizen who enjoys being a vegetarian with Bella.

Jodie Byrne offers a warm book that presents the sights and sounds of one of the most visited parks in the United States, inhabited by American Indians and was once French soil. MDI (Mount Desert Island) or as the French explorer Samuel de Champlain called it "Isle des Monts Desert" prospered with many different inhabitants.

MDI is one of the largest islands off the coast of the Grand State of Maine!! The pages of artistic sketches are derived from authentic photographs and are the actual events and places where the charming Saint Bernard travelled from 8 weeks to her current age. Bella will celebrate her third birthday on October 28, 2022.

Baby Bella is a non-fiction book that teaches elementary school children geography, environmental sciences. The series is offered in French and English to teach both languages. The book editions illustrate how physical exercise is essential for humans through the beautiful activities of a Saint Bernard!

International travel is highlighted in the following book when Bella flies and crosses the Atlantic twice to reach her family home at the foot of Mont Blanc. This first darling is a long series that will be a pleasure to read with or for your children as they mature as citizens of the responsible creative world. Young children will enjoy "spying with their eyes" for Bella's flying ears and tongue licking repeats!

Everyone will be able to connect objects from one book to another. For Example, the "orange lobster nets" that lead to discussions regarding the pollution left by large industries around the world. Everyone can add to the solutions that communities bring to collect these involuntary gifts! The series offers a chance to teach many life lessons! School children can continue with the two books in French and English. The global book collection creates a great gift package for all occasions!

The world is an adventure and there is something to learn with each new paw print!

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The Adventures of Baby Bella Ista Sapa (English Edition)

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