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Starting & Sustaining: Build and launch a web application with less pain and fewer mistakes. (English Edition)

Building and running a web application sounds great, right? Waterfalls of recurring revenue. Work from anywhere. Create all day long.

But what's really involved? How long will take? What's the first step? How much will it cost? What's it really like? Let's talk about that.

You’d like to build a web app but aren’t sure where to start. For every question you have, there’s two more you don’t know to ask. There’s a lot to know, and it's overwhelming.

Design. Development. Support. Validation. Funding. Pricing. Billing. Email. Spam. Fraud. Chargebacks. Marketing. Hosting. Background processing. Monitoring. Alerting. Backups. Release management. Downtime.

You’re already an expert in some areas, but there’s a handful of other areas you’re unsure about.

That’s ok. We can fix that.

Starting & Sustaining will help you make more informed decisions and save you days or weeks by avoiding the mistakes I made.

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