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Professor Wells (The Texas Trio Book 2) (English Edition)

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R$ 48,00

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Professor Wells (The Texas Trio Book 2) (English Edition)

Kai Wells is a professor who has a hard time with big feelings. He's a genius but when it comes to love, isn't always smart. One night at a bar changes everything he ever thought he knew. Rowan is a sheltered student who just wants to get out from under her mother's grip. She wants to live her life and decides to finally do something a little crazy. That one move changes everything though. Kai's world implodes when a random girl from a bar shoves her panties in his pocket and kisses him. Rowan's world explodes when she meets her incredibly gorgeous psych teacher. Neither of them had seen what was coming.

Mais sobre este produto

Professor Wells (The Texas Trio Book 2) (English Edition)

R$ 48,00

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