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Buffalo: Shot Placemnt & Trphy Eval, Mini, So: Shot Placement and Trophy Evaluation

Mais ofertas de Generico


R$ 32,00

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Mais informações da Oferta

Buffalo: Shot Placemnt & Trphy Eval, Mini, So: Shot Placement and Trophy Evaluation

Make the most of your hunt and get to know beforehand what a good, mature buffalo looks like, where to shoot it, and how to judge its sex, age, and trophy potential. On safari you'll need to make a quick decision, and this invaluable, fit-in-any-pocket guide will help! Don't go on safari without one!

Mais sobre este produto

Buffalo: Shot Placemnt & Trphy Eval, Mini, So: Shot Placement and Trophy Evaluation

R$ 32,00

* Confira sempre o valor atualizado antes de efetuar a compra.