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Biography of Sun Yat-sen (I, II and III) (Chinese Edition)

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Biography of Sun Yat-sen (I, II and III) (Chinese Edition)

Written by Shang Mingxuan, this book takes Sun Yat-sen's thoughts and life activities as the main line and absorbs the latest historical materials and research results to reflect all aspects of main words and deeds of Sun Yat-Sen, a giant in history, and help readers to understand and learn his indomitable fighting spirit. Since the precious photo albums, inscriptions, handwritings and all kinds of cultural relics of Sun Yat-sen in the whole life are important history carriers, the book selects 631 representative historical pictures, photos and inscriptions corresponding to the text to rigorously and vividly reflect his activities and social interactions in a lively and authentic manner. Therefore, the book is more readable and a complete illustrated biography.

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Biography of Sun Yat-sen (I, II and III) (Chinese Edition)

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