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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Template for Websites (English Edition)
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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Template for Websites (English Edition)
TERMS OF USE / SERVICE TEMPLATEA legal document governing the entire use of the platform by its users. Essential for all web-owners in order to describe their services and limit their responsibility vis-à-vis their users, which is otherwise unlimited.
More specifically, by this crucial legal document, you namely:
• Obtain by your user the representations you need (i.e. that he is an adult, or he legally represents an entity etc.)
• Officially inform the user of the prohibited platform’s uses as well as of the permitted ones
• Reserve your proprietary rights so that no user can claim he has a right on your platform’s content. On the other hand, you obtain the guarantee that you have no liability regarding any content posted by the user on the platform
• Limit your liability regarding any personal data collected, as well as regarding any external content used (links, hyperlinks, advertising banners etc.)
• Establish the jurisdiction and the applicable law in case of any court proceedings
An important legal document, essential for all web-owners in order to set the rules and limit their responsibility vis-à-vis their users, regarding their personal data collected.
By this legal document, you namely:
• State which are the applicable laws under consideration
• Officially inform the user of all the data collected and of any uses made thereof
• Officially obtain the user’s consent on the data collected and on the uses made thereof
• Disclaim any liability regarding the platform’s content and any potential damage or loss of profit could arise from the platform’s use
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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Template for Websites (English Edition)
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