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Earths in the Universe: Their Spirits and Inhabitants (Life on Other Worlds) (English Edition)

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic. In Earths in the Universe he claimed to converse with spirits from inhabited planets both within and without our solar system, concluding that the Infinite God would not create such an enormous undertaking for one world alone, with only one heaven for one race of people. Swedenborg says,

“That there are many worlds, may be evident to every one, from there being so many constellations visible in the universe; and it is known in the learned world that every fixed star is like a sun in its place; for it remains fixed like the sun of our earth in its place; and that the distance makes it appear small in form like a star. Consequently that like the sun of our world, it has round it planets, which are earths; and the reason that these do not appear to our eyes, is their being at such an immense distance, and having only the light of their star, which cannot be reflected again as far as here. For what other purpose is there so great a heaven with so many stars? For the end of the creation of the universe is man, that from man there may be an angelic heaven. [n.126]

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