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A Lifer's Journey: Prison Chaplaincy from the Inside Out (English Edition)

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R$ 24,00

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A Lifer's Journey: Prison Chaplaincy from the Inside Out (English Edition)

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)

When his walk with God began, Hank Dixon was facing a life sentence for murder. Little did he realize, God’s grace would not only set him on a path to encounter the ghosts of his past, but also call him to prison ministry.

A Lifer’s Journey is a heartfelt journey through the most meaningful of encounters that have spanned an ex-con’s twenty-year prison ministry career, where expectations are sometimes turned inside-out. From encounters with an ex-cop serving time in a maximum security seg unit to the powerful moment, in the fire of a riot, where God reached out to touch the life of one the most rejected of criminals, Hank’s story weaves together life changing personal experiences with a deep compassion for both inmates and staff, revealing a prison world where invoked or not, God is present.

Mais sobre este produto

A Lifer's Journey: Prison Chaplaincy from the Inside Out (English Edition)

R$ 24,00

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