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Astrology for Teens: Understanding Your Connection To The Universe and Finding Your Place Among The Stars (English Edition)

Astrology for Teens covers the basics of an exciting practice that people have been using for hundreds of years to better understand themselves and the world around them. While most people generally know what astrology is, there are few who can count themselves as experts on the practice. This book provides an introduction to astrology that will help you understand the deeper concepts and practices you can use to enrich your life in numerous ways.

In Astrology for Teens, you’ll learn about:

  • The history of astrology
  • The zodiac signs
  • Sun, moon, and rising signs
  • Elements and modalities
  • Aspects and transients
  • Real-life application
  • And so much more!

Astrology for Teens will introduce you to the truths and myths of astrology. The history and continued relevance of astrology speak to its universality and application to people of all types. Astrology has influenced human thought and advancement and continues to align with many values people still hold dear.

Are you ready to learn more about astrology?

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