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Main Character Energy: Romanticise Your Life and Put Yourself First

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R$ 74,00

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Main Character Energy: Romanticise Your Life and Put Yourself First

It's time to romanticise your life!

Stop overthinking and start living with this step-by-step guide to becoming that girl. You know her. The one who is confident, assertive and always the leading lady in her life. You already are her; you just need to unlock your potential. This audiobook will show you how to create your dream aesthetic by living simply and sustainably, learning how to become a #cottagecore queen and finding your unique style. Plus, come on a journey of self-discovery with advice on how to practice daily gratitude, take yourself on solo dates, seize opportunities and live every day with main character energy.

Mais sobre este produto

Main Character Energy: Romanticise Your Life and Put Yourself First

R$ 74,00

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