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A Simplified and Sometimes Sassy Guide to Breast Cancer: Like if Your Best Friend was a Breast Surgeon

A Simplified and Sometimes Sassy Guide to Breast Cancer: Like if Your Best Friend was a Breast Surgeon takes the complexities of modern healthcare decisions and makes them not only understandable but entertaining.

"You have breast cancer." A sentence that no one ever wants to hear - and yet - here you are scouring the internet for answers. Few cancer diagnoses present as many patient-led decisions as breast cancer: mastectomy or lumpectomy? What about bilateral mastectomy? Genetic testing? Reconstruction? What type of reconstruction? This beautifully illustrated guide provides a crash course in all things breast cancer- it's like you called your best friend and she just so happens to be a breast surgeon. It's a simplified and sassy synopsis of all things breast cancer so that you know what to expect and what questions to ask. You have some decisions to make girlfriend, and as the old adage goes "knowledge is power." So, pour a glass of your favorite beverage and find a comfy spot - we are about to unpack the most up to date breast cancer treatment strategies for YOU!

In chapters with titles like "The A-Team: The Who's Who of your Fabulous Team," "Radiology: I've Never Taken So Many Pictures of My Boobs!" and "Radiation: A Day at the Beach" you will master the fundamentals of breast cancer biology and treatment. The anxiety of the unknown will be replaced with empowerment and knowledge.

For you especially curious cats, "Science Simplified" sections delve into the science behind your pathology reports, breast imaging, chemotherapy drugs, and radiation treatments. "Sassy Stories," in each chapter give a broader context of the history of breast cancer treatments: where we started, where we are now, and maybe even where we are heading.

"Frequently Asked Questions" sections highlight just that, while "The Big Day" at the end of each treatment chapter provides a run-down of just what to expect of your first day of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. I also provide "Let's Review" pages to highlight the most important points in case you are feeling overwhelmed with all the information!

Along the way "Expert Extras" give you deeper-dives into surgical options, breast reconstruction, radiation oncology, and more! You will also find insights from Survivors Sisters who have walked in your shoes and a special contribution, "Surviving Breast Cancer," by the Sassy Survivor(TM) herself.

A Simplified and Sometimes Sassy Guide to Breast Cancer is a must read for any newly diagnosed woman. This book really is like calling up your best friend for advice, only this time you have cancer, and your friend is a cancer specialist.

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