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After death, what?; a scholarly exposition of a vitally interesting question that has deeply agitated thinking men and women from time immemorial

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1908 Excerpt: their varied virtues or imperfections. The particular judgment, as it is called, which takes place immediately after death is known to God and the individual. We cannot follow others into another world, so we here are ignorant of their fate. We see men of different characters pass on, but we cannot trace the flight of their souls into the unknown, nor hear the sentence pronounced on them from the tribunal, and if we attempt to surmise, our conjectures may be far indeed from the truth. Hence it follows as a resultant of both logic and reason that there is a necessity for a general judgment at which all the children of men must be present to exemplify God's justice and vindicate his wisdom, which will show that his government was impartial, will allay all doubts and prove to all created beings that he was right in all his ways and holy in all his works. It is expedient that at the winding up of the scheme, all its parts should be seen to be worthy of Him, by whom it was arranged and conducted. In this way those who have witnessed, with many disquieting thoughts, the inequalities and seeming irregularities of the present system, will have full evidence that there was never the slightest deviation from the principles of equity, and that the cause of perplexity was the delay of their full operation. They will see the good and the bad no longer mingled together and apparently treated alike, but divided into two classes, the one on the right hand and the other on the left of the Judge, distinguished as much at least by their respective sentences, as by the places which they occupy. Then will the secrets of all hearts be made plain. There can be no longer simulation, hypocrisy or deceit. The pharisee will not be able to shout to the multitude from the housetops,...

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