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LIE TO ME - Body Language Techniques Used By A Former KGB Officer - Bones, Sherlock, Covert Affairs (English Edition)
You can’t fail to have seen the television shows like ‘Lie to Me’, ‘CSI’, ‘Sherlock’, ‘Covert Affairs’ or ‘Bones,’ whereby under interrogation or cross examination the suspects give away many secrets in bodily micro-movements and are eventually brought to charge for complex crimes. But that’s just TV right? Could this really be the same in real life? I was contacted by a former KGB Interrogation Officer, who was specifically trained in body language interrogation techniques. When we think of the KGB and interrogation, we automatically think of ‘truth drugs’ and torture techniques used on victims to gain a confession. However as this book will reveal, using just Body Language it was much easier to gain a pecuniary advantage in the interrogation cells. Our source is now a retired KGB officer, who served under the Chairman of the KGB, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov during the period of 1967 – 1979. For obvious reasons his true identity will be kept anonymous throughout the book, but the techniques used are both real and amazingly effective. Learn from this book how in a micro-second you can tell more from another person, than if you sat there for an hour listening to them. Using this astonishing insight into the KGB’s way of doing things, you can adopt the power to control your next job interview, to be successful in face to face sales, gain better orders from your business clients or even detect instantly if your spouse is cheating on you. What you learn here in this book, will give you an easy advantage over everyone and it is all laid out in an extremely easy way to read and most importantly remember. Because this book is not written in a scientific nature, but demonstrates just the actual body language signs we all make every second of everyday. Once you know these “tells” not only can you read everyone, very quickly, but you will also be able to change your own body language, so as to never give away any secrets of your own. -------- FROM THE BOOK LIE TO ME - Body Language Techniques Used By A Former KGB Officer - Bones, Sherlock, Covert Affairs -------- Body language is a language that everyone uses everyday. It is a language that very few of us have conscious control over, but if we did and understood its powers we would gain so much more from our lives. When I say body language I do not mean body movements that we consciously make like a wave, a handshake or perhaps a kiss, but all the micro movements that happen before and after our routine actions. These micro movements occur in a millisecond and are controllable by everyone with the knowledge to do so, but if we don’t control them, we give away a massive amount of information about our mood, our intentions and very often the sincerity behind either an action or the spoken word.
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