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THE I CHING (Astrolog Complete Guides) (English Edition)
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THE I CHING (Astrolog Complete Guides) (English Edition)
Nowadays, the use of the I Ching for prediction has become more and more widespread. The I Ching has influenced life in China for thousands of years. It evolved from an ancient method of prediction used by shepherds and wanderers into a complex philosophical method and tool for understanding human existence. The I Ching was introduced into the West at the end of the 19th century and is now one of the most widely used methods of spiritual guidance. This book explains the evolution of the I Ching, the method of constructing hexagrams, and the key to the meaning, interpretation and explanation of each of the 64 possible hexagrams. This complete guide to the I Ching gives you, the reader, a tool for understanding the I Ching and taking advantage of what it offers in order to improve your quality of life and consciousness.Nizan Weisman resides in Israel, the crossroads between East and West. He is the well-known founder of New Age shops, and has translated and written numerous books, allowing his Western readers a glimpse into Eastern cultures
Mais sobre este produto
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- ASIN : B01EG8D1S4
- Editora : Astrolog Publishing House (17 abril 2016)
- Idioma : Inglês
- Tamanho do arquivo : 3107 KB
- Quantidade de dispositivos em que é possível ler este eBook ao mesmo tempo : Ilimitado
- Leitura de texto : Habilitado
- Configuração de fonte : Habilitado
- X-Ray : Não habilitado
- Dicas de vocabulário : Habilitado
- Número de páginas : 110 páginas
- Ranking dos mais vendidos: Nº 292,506 em Loja Kindle (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Loja Kindle)
- Nº 50 em Importados sobre I Ching
- Nº 242 em Importados sobre Cartomancia
- Nº 9,254 em Saúde, família e desenvolvimento pessoal em inglês
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THE I CHING (Astrolog Complete Guides) (English Edition)
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