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Power Rangers Universe - Vehicles: Astro Cycles, Astro Megaship, Astro Megaship Mark II, Battle Bikes, Capsular Cycle, Civilian Vehicles, Delta ATV, ... Dino ATV, Dragon Force Vehicle, Dragonforce

Source: Wikia. Pages: 141. Chapters: Astro Cycles, Astro Megaship, Astro Megaship Mark II, Battle Bikes, Capsular Cycle, Civilian Vehicles, Delta ATV, Delta Cruiser, Delta Patrol Cycles, Denji Buggy, Dillon's Car, Dino ATV, Dragon Force Vehicle, Dragonforce Vehicle, Flynn's Car, Galactic Rover, Galaxy Glider, Hovercraft Cycle, Hovertek Cycle, Jet Jammer, Lightning Cruiser, Lightspeed Cycle, Lightspeed Cycles, Megatank, Mobile Armor Vehicle, Mobile Command Center, Mystic Racers, Mystic Speeder, Ninja Glider, Ninja Glider Cycle, Patrol Cycles, Project GO-ONGER, RADBUG, Raptor Cycles, Raptor Riders, Rescue Rover, S.H.A.R.C, S.W.A.T. Truck, Samurai SUV, Savage Cycles, Scott's Car, Senturion Cycle, Shark Cycles, Silver Cycle, Storm Blaster, Strata Cycle, Summer's Motorcycle, TF Eagle, Team Vehicles, Time Jet, Time Ship, Trans Armor Cycle, Transtek Armor, Triceramax Command Center Truck, Tsunami Cycles, Turbo Carts, Uniforce Cycle, Vector Cycles, Wild Force Rider, Zeo Jet Cycles. Excerpt: The following is a list of all the weapons and vehicles in the Galaxy Rangers' arsenal. See also: Ginga Braces Transmorpher The Transmorphers are wrist mounted devices that allow the core five to transmutate into the Power Rangers, granting them extraordinary powers. These powers are over 3,000 years old, and awaited the chosen ones to claim them. The Rangers morphing call is "Go, Galactic!" The Transmorphers are intertwined with the previous true holders of the Quasar Sabers, either living or dead, as was the case of Karone obtaining Kendrix's Transmorpher from the deceased Ranger's spirit and why Trakeena couldn't obtain the Pink Quasar Saber's true power. The Transmorphers are later shown to activate in a similar fashion as the Ginga Braces from Gingaman in Trakeena's Revenge. See also: Aura Changers Magna Morpher When the Magna Defender died, he passed his powers onto Mike, powers he could call upon with the Magna Defender Morpher, in the form of a two-piece transformation device...

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