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The buik of the most noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the great [ed. by D. Laing].

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R$ 165,00

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The buik of the most noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the great [ed. by D. Laing].

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1831 Excerpt: ... Than is ane worth vther tua, Quhen lord has nede agane his fa. War my fader sik as I say, Him durst lytle drede zon great deray. Bot with his men he hated is, That sall him serue of sic seruis, He is in point now for to tyne, Him self and his four sonnes syne, Or than to haue great skaith or fhame, Quhen he and his ar fleand hame. Sa dois he nocht that zarning hes, For to haue victory of his faes. Ane King is but ane man I wis, And sone disconfit is fra his, Quhen he is left at grit mistere, And fleis ilk man on sydes sere. PORRVS said Marciane of Pers, Lat be it helpis nocht ze rehers. Gif the Bauderane lord of Medy, Be tane throw his cheualry. Tak we counscll to help him sone, Se certanely that it be done, All be it agane Clarus will, I red nocht that we hald vs still. Send efter thy brether thre. And byd thame cum and speke with me. Porrus hes send ane squyer sone, And thay ar cumin withouttin hone, Caneus zede first into the tent, Syne Salphadyne fare and gent, Syne Caleos prince of Amory, That was fetas gay and ioly. 179 N.ij. Lordingis Lordingis fayis Porrus here me, Caffiell is tane throw his bounte, Thay of Effesoun hes him led, As thare presoner in thare sted. Quhether I fay foly or wit, I will be trew, answer to it. To morne airly in the morning, Ane lytle forrow the Sone ryfing. Besyde the See at the brasin zet, Thidderwart will I to my gait, With xxx fallowis withouttin ma, And ze fall in the bushment ga, "With cccc. that hes habersounes, With helmes sheilds and pennounes.. And in the forreft of Daurere, Sa knaw I Betys and Gaudefere, That thay will ishe furth to vs sone And we fall fle withoutin hone, Quhill we cum to our Bushment nere, And ze with dissplayit banere. Sall ishe to thame apartly, In middes the vifage hardely. My father Clarus fal...

Mais sobre este produto

The buik of the most noble and vailzeand conquerour Alexander the great [ed. by D. Laing].

R$ 165,00

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