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The Brink: How Great Leadership is Invented (English Edition)

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R$ 49,00

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The Brink: How Great Leadership is Invented (English Edition)

The Brink is a method for generating leadership in an individual leader and on a team. It is based on the simple assertion that leadership is created in the face of some great challenge or obstacle to overcome, rather than in a vacuum or in comfortable places with no adversity. The Brink model uses climbing a mountain as an analogy throughout for creating that big challenge or goal, and then demonstrates how to create a team to climb it with and outlines the way to create leadership in everyone involved in the process. This metaphor transfers to virtually any leadership position one holds and is organized into a clear list of ingredients essential to leadership.

Mais sobre este produto

The Brink: How Great Leadership is Invented (English Edition)

R$ 49,00

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