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Ellen's Wolf (English Edition)

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R$ 15,00

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Ellen's Wolf (English Edition)

Ellen's Wolf is a fictional remembrance of an old west wagon train headed west in hopes and dreams of something rich in soil and rich in gold. When a young girl by the name of Ellen wonders into the woods near the camp to go looking for the very berries her mother had picked earlier in the day. But as Ellen venters deeper and deeper into the woods she can't seem to find the berries and gets turned around. Ellen soon becomes lost in a very unknown area in the woods. As the sun goes down and the darkness of night inches closer by every minute she becomes even more scared and the affair that she will never make it back to camp. Ellen's father sets out a search party in hopes to find his young daughter but the cloak of night makes it very difficult and they return empty-handed with no Ellen and with winter fast approaching they must keep on schedule leaving poor Ellen behind. Ellen is rescued by a wild wolf that tends for her and helps Ellen to find her parents over time.

Mais sobre este produto

Ellen's Wolf (English Edition)

R$ 15,00

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