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English pronunciation for Brazilians: The Sounds of American English

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R$ 78,00

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English pronunciation for Brazilians: The Sounds of American English

English Pronunciation for Brazilians - The Sounds of American English is a book written by Brazilian teachers for Brazilian students. This book focuses on the specific problems Brazilian students face when trying to improve their pronunciation. American English and Brazilian Portuguese are contrasted, giving students the opportunity to use what they already know about the sounds of their own languages. Its a very practical book with activities in different formats, ranging from mechanical and communicative exercises to games and fun tasks. Its suitable for both classroom use and independent learning. The vocabulary is appropriate for intermediate and advanced students, with emphasis on high frequency words. All the practice material in the book is included in the accompanying Audio CDs. The road to good pronunciation doesn't have to be dry and boring. Pronunciation learning can be fun.

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English pronunciation for Brazilians: The Sounds of American English

R$ 78,00

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