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Impacts of the integrated agricultural development project PDAI: Improvement of living conditions in the region of Siliana in Tunisia
The Integrated Agricultural Development Project (PDAI) is different from the CRDA in terms of its methodological approach, which is based on information, communication, concerted diagnosis, and the involvement of the target population, informally organized in 54 development councils in the 54 Imadats (CDI(s)), making up the project's intervention area. The project also helped the inhabitants to prepare 54 participatory development plans (PDP), whose actions were technically and socio-economically validated by the engineers of the CRDA and other agricultural and rural development partners, including the 54 Imadats composing the intervention area of the second phase of the integrated agricultural development project (PDAI.), where a series of problems that also hinder agricultural and rural development were identified. The PDAI has not provided the CRDA with a development model capable of resolving the main problems hindering the performance of the agricultural sector, such as the rational management of natural resources, private investment, indebtedness, and the integration of youth.
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