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Oferta de

Livro - Summer of Roses

Mais ofertas de Luanne Rice


R$ 31,31

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Summer of Roses

Rice continues the compelling story she started in Summer's Child (2005). Lily and her nine-year-old daughter, Rose, have survived by hiding from her husband in Cape Hawk, Nova Scotia, where she found true love with oceanographer Liam Neill. Now Rose has had her final surgery for her heart and is on the mend, but Lily must travel to Connecticut to care for Maeve, her beloved grandmother, who is in the hospital in a coma. There Lily must confront the brute who drove her away from her beloved home. She finds unexpected support from those she abandoned years ago and takes strength from her resilient daughter and loyal Liam. Rice gives her readers an in-depth look at the devastation abuse causes to both the primary victim and her loved ones while simultaneously illuminating the healing that comes from love and loving relationships. Patty Engelmann

Livro - Summer of Roses

R$ 31,31

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